OPL Quantum Healing Certification Course
Alignment to Soul Self: Part One - Self study and self healing - In this certification you will learn the techniques, history, science, philosophy, and advanced wisdom used in OPL Quantum Healing. You will learn the activation’s and attunements necessary to be able to align your energy and purify your field to prepare you to give OPL Quantum Healing sessions on others which you will learn in level two. - $1100 For study material and Exam.
Soul Physicians Guide to OPL Quantum Healing Level One:
Table of Contents
Quantum Sciences - practical application
Sacred Geometry
Channeling Higher Dimensional Energy
The Energy Field - Chakra’s, Auric Field, Merkaba (Body of Light), 13 Gateways
Holographic Reality - Quantum Field - Time/Space - Non-Locality
True Source Light and True Source Energy (Love) vs Deflected Light and Syphoned Energy (Fear)
Dousing Techniques
Building the Holograph
Set up of Alter Space - Healing Space - and Defining/Clearing/Protecting “Working Area”
Prayer to Connect
Calling in the Clients Highest Self and Angelic Guides
Calling in Your Guides
State of Awareness During Sessions
Consciousness During Sessions
Practices to Maintain Mental and Emotional Stability During Session
Potential Side Effects of Working in The Quantum Reality with Spiritual Gateways and How to Avoid Them
Receiving permissions for healing from higher guidance
Channeling To Guide Understanding of The Healing - Intuition vs Channeling vs Projection
Importance of allowing Healing Guides to direct and monitor sessions
Analysis of Own Energy Field
Flower of Life Recalibration and Stabilization Step by Step
You will need the following tools: *NOT INCLUDED IN CERTIFICATION
3”-6” Gold plated Metatron’s Cube, Flower of Life (un-sealed), Approx $140
White Candles Approx $10
24 Quartz Crystals (small shards) 1”- 3” - Approx $72
Solfeggio Frequency Tuning Forks $140 (Omnivos)
Angel Tuning Forks $30 Colorful OM
Lemurian Wand (1”-3”) Approx $100
Blank notebook/Pen
3x5 Note cards
Oracle Deck (if preferred - not mandatory)
Crystal Pendulum
Both books Spiritual Alchemy: The Art and Science of Transformation as well as Starcrafting are recommended - but not required - to read and study before engaging in this course.
Quantum Alignment: Level Two - OPL Quantum Healing™ for others - Certifies and attunes you to give OPL Quantum Healing™ sessions. - $2200 -
OPL Quantum Healing - Master Teacher - Elevates your status/wisdom/knowledge so you can certify others in OPL Quantum Healing ™ - $3300
OPL Quantum Healing™ Includes the below techniques and processes
Celestial Purification
Metatron’s Cube Activation
Flower of Life Stabilization
Circle of the 7 Rays Activation and Attunement
DNA Repair Session
Skywalking Ceremonies