New Release
The Little Book of Many Magical and Miraculous Meditations
Transcriptions From The Enzo Academy Material
Prepare to be lifted into the higher realms as you read these beautifully scripted meditations. Each meditation within this book was transcribed directly from One Precious Lights channelled Ascension Mastery tools within The Enzo Academy.
There are 56 guided meditations and Skywalking journeys focused on healing, ascension, manifestations, training advanced consciousness, energy mastery techniques, and magical realites, to help expedite the healing and evolutionary process.
This book is a portal to the infinite, to the higher realms, to the miraculous!
By One Precious Light
“This Book Is Pure Magic”
“Great Meditations For The Beginner To The Advanced!”
“This book feels like a portal into the higher realms, truly a blessing and joy to experience. ”
The Little Book Of Many Magical and Miraculous Meditations is a 292 page deep dive into the unseen realms of the heart, the hidden worlds, and the inner self. Each meditation was written, studied, and explored thoroughly by One Precious Light (the author) to define its energetic nature and effects not only within the hidden realms but also within this reality. The meditations are transcriptions of many of the meditations, skywalking journeys, and celestial healing techniques that are posted in The Enzo Academy. The video’s take on a world of their own when the Soundscape Music is played and the meditation is guided by author One Precious Light. This book is a sweet gift to the soul, allowing for the cozy, peaceful, organic, and real rediscovery of your eternal nature.
The Little Book is a great guide to add to The Enzo Academy, a great introduction to the material, and a great independent option if The Enzo Academy is not your thing. The meditations can be VERY powerful, so it is suggested that you use your intuition with great respect and honor for the processes.
The Power Of Active Meditation
Mediation can be incorporated into anything, life itself can become a living meditation. That may be what we are very well aiming for! But within this little book, we are primarily focused on active meditation. Active meditation is a way to engage the mind, the energy body, the heart, the soul, and to actively work to create, to heal, to align, to harmonize, all aspects of self with that of The Divine. Through active meditation you are training yourself how to utilize advanced consciousness through visualization, feeling, and shamanic journey work (Skywalking). This practice aids in healing the energy field, the mind, heart, body, and soul and strengthens your consciousness. It opens up the doors to higher frequency realities and feelings of bliss and joy!
Skywalking is a form of multidimensional travel. We utilize advanced visualization techniques and higher frequency energies to move beyond the 3D matrix into the infinite to explore, commune with higher dimensional guides and soul family, as well as to learn, heal and grow. Starcrafting is a great book to start learning how to explore the multidimensional reality and to understand the more advanced processes within this book.
About The Author
One Precious Light
Birthed from Primal Sound, One Precious Light is a Cosmic Being awakened into individuation from Pure Divine Source Harmonic. She was originally birthed into space/time outside of this Universal Sphere and witnessed the collapse of the heavenly structure of balance that composes most Universal systems. As she witnessed the creation of this Inverted Universal Sphere she was called to aid in the learning that it had to offer.
One Precious Light is a teacher of ancient, lost wisdom that focuses on guiding individual Soul Sparks back into full harmonic with Source/God. She has spent lifetimes mapping the long journey back into full Unity and Source Harmonic through powerful multidimensional and prophetic visions of the progression of consciousness documented through the evolution of the light bodies.