OPL Quantum Healers


Mariah Muntimuri - One Precious Light - Creator of OPL Quantum Healing

Denver, Colorado

Mariah Muntimuri - Shamanic Given name of One Precious Light - is a certified Reiki Master of Usui Reiki Ryoho, an initiate of the Toltec Shamanic Medicine Tradition, Sound Healer, and Ascension Coach.​  She is the creator of OPL Quantum Healing Technique, Starcrafting, The Enzo Technique and founder of The Enzo Academy.



One Precious Light is a Quantum Healer with advanced knowledge in the utilization and implementation of Organic Quantum Technology and how to effectively utilize this innate spiritual gift for non-local healing and spiritual advancement.  She has developed her own healing modality based on her personal experience with clients as well as over 15 years of in-depth studies and research into energy dynamics and how that relates to the bio-energetic field, healing, and consciousness.

Her primary purpose is to initiate the harmonization of distortions in the human energetic system and to activate ascension systems and individuated Soul evolution back into harmonic resonance with Unity. It is to help others remember how to fully reconnect to their truth and infinite God self as a powerful love based creator being.  


Level Two OPLQH - Certified To Heal Others


Becca Steinbach - Level Two Certified OPL Quantum Healer

Certified ENZO Soul Guide

Baltimore, Maryland

Shamanic Healing, Holy Fire Reiki, OPL Quantum Healing, Intuitive Guidance, Cacao Ceremonies, Seven Sacred Flames Healing & Activations, Guided Meditation Journeys, Private Ceremonies, Healing Hikes, Retreats, Ascension Coaching.




I have been fascinated by the human experience and dedicated to (re)discovering the totality of who we are as “humans” for over a decade, walking a winding path that only makes sense to the Heart. This lifestream is one of Awakening and Remembering. Awakening to and Re-membering All that I AM. The veil of forgetting lifting as old beliefs based upon fear and limitation were tracked, loved, released & transmuted. Along this Walk, I’ve rediscovered inner gifts and fine-tuned them, becoming a Holy Fire Reiki Master, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Intuitive Guide, Channel & Healer, Ceremonialist, Sacred Flame Initiate, Quantum Light Healer and Paq’o - a mesa carrier and medicine woman of the Andean Q'ero lineage. These gifts of remembrance have helped me connect to my divine Inner Nature, remembering Who/What/All that I AM and what my energy does. The journey continues, as I make my way around the medicine wheel again and again, eternally evolving, awakening and co-creating the New Myth.

It is a great passion and joy to be a medicine woman in loving, sacred service. Like an ancient tree, I AM a connector and a provider. I AM a Pillar of Light, here to bridge the Hanaqpacha (Heavens) to the Pachamama (Mother Earth), grounding and anchoring in Light and holding sacred space for you as you choose your Path of Destiny, the Path your Soul intends for you. I AM here to provide a connection to both your Sacred Allies and to your Essence Self, your Divine Inner Nature, as you learn to claim, hold, and be that connection for yourself. I AM a presence that connects you to the Eternal Heart Flames of Unconditional Love that heals and transmutes all beliefs based upon fear and limitation. I AM a conduit of healing, here to help you discover and Remember Who/What/All You Are & what your energy does, to help you become your own healer and Rise into your Authenticity, Embodying your Divine Essence Self. I serve as your loving guide for as long as you may need as you Walk the Path of Ascension and Return Home to your Essence Self, your Wholeness.


Mary Ann Rivas - Level Two Certified OPL Quantum Healer

Certified ENZO Soul Guide

Email:  maryrivasyoga@gmail.com

Website:  https://linktr.ee/MaryRivas

Tomball, Texas

Quantum Healer. Spiritual Teacher. Ascension Stargate Guardian.

I have always been in service to humanity and in that service I have remembered my connection to the Angelic Collective and Ascended Masters. Throughout my many Dark Night of the Soul experiences, doing the work of healing generational trauma and healing my inner child I found my Divine Child. Part of my Earth mission is to help others heal and awaken their Divine Child as well.

I am a Light Warrior, Shapeshifter, Multidimensional Time Traveler, and Priestess of the Three Fold Flame.

I am also a mother to two beautiful Angelic Starseeds. We are here to pave new paths of existence and by doing so birth in the higher realities and New World. Together my family and I spread wisdom, joy, love, and light to whomever we cross paths with in our physical reality. We are here to anchor in the highest timeline and highest spiritual evolution for all of Mother Gaia and Humanity. With a full heart of grace, I am so grateful for walking this path alongside you. Aho.


Highlighted Healers and Spiritual Anchors

Chris Cambray

Herefordshire, U.K.

Chris is a master of neuro lingustic programming, hypnosis and time line therapy, working with all four bodies. Trained in shamanism, he communicates with ancient spirits for retrieving soul fragments. As a gatekeeper he clears energetic ley lines linking the nodes, activates gateway seals and opens paths to unity consciousnes.

Telegram channel Wings of Light  https://t.me/christalights



Rachel Cambray

Herefordshire, U.K.

Rachel is an NLP practitioner.  Trained in UWTH [Universal White Time Healing] levels 1 - 4.  A Giver of the Board of Knowledge - Boards 1 -5. She is also a giver of the Absolute Board and The Board of Angels.



“The energy pulls, turns, and tugs us through currents and channels. Images appear and disappear, feelings rise and fall like breezes and great winds. We are loose on an inner ocean; there is no turning back. We must navigate with our inner ears, listen beyond ourself, then turn and adjust our direction. We listen for the homing frequency. The frequency draws us on. We are like dolphins swimming into a submerged Atlantis. We are singing in rising underwater pitches, sounding to find our way. When our pitches are right we resonate and suddenly vibrate like tuning forks. We become the homing frequency. There can be no mistakes. We are home.”

~John Beaulieu excerpt from the book “Human Tuning”