Developed by Mariah Muntimuri - OPL Quantum Healing is an original technique utilizing advanced consciousness, crystal technology, and sacred geometry.

The primary purpose is to initiate the harmonization of distortions in the human energetic system and to activate ascension systems and individuated Soul evolution back into harmonic resonance with Unity. It is to help others remember how to fully reconnect to their truth and infinite God self as a powerful love based creator being.

OPLQHT sessions re-orient the Spirit to align with the natural flow of Source energy, riding the energetic system of any lower vibrational energies. This process allows for the natural flow of Source Light through the physical body, mind, and soul helping to clear the way for self-actualization and spiritual power.



All Celestial Readings are channeled messages helping to clarify the highest frequency information and guidance to empower, inspire, heal, and awaken. Like a Tarot and or Psychic reading, I utilize Oracle cards, I-Ching, Tarot, Runes, Skywalking Ceremonies, and High Sense Perceptions to communicate, clarify, and stabilize messages from the higher self of the individual and/or spirit guides, ancestors, angels and advanced beings of light.



One Precious Light’s Ascension Coaching is an in-depth transformative and self-mastery program. Led by Spirit this 12 week intensive is an expansive, mystical, and purpose driven walk into the higher realms, helping to purify your spirit, clarify your soul’s desires, and align you with your highest frequency and most luminous life.