Session Result Example 01:
Very powerful and beautiful session. Please let me know how you are feeling. Almost everything you have experienced came up organically - hopefully that helps to answer or define experiences a bit. I have the next hour free or we can get on a call in the next few days. Let me know what works best for you.
Session Results Below:
Block One is in the 10th level of the field - this is the level of divine love - but as the advanced or upgraded system it represents Universal Love - as well as the plasmic energy that contains the full spectrum of light as an animating force within the world. Supernatural abilities to create/precipitate - as an initiated and advanced being on the planet. This is why we are being asked to strengthen and charge the 12 rays. The block is being caused by a bit of self doubt, self sabotage. This is just about you doubting your own divinity and connection to Spirit.
"I am the unified presence of Spirit."
Block Two is in the 8th level of the field and this level represents relational love - in the advanced system it resonates with unconditional love. This block was formed because of a choice point based on past experiences and familiarity instead of intuition and wisdom. There is also a dissonance with the body - possibly frustration/anger. There is a need to realize that the body itself is Spirit and to connect more deeply to the wisdom and vitality held in the body. Work to align with your intuition and instincts in the moment as the inspired/wise being you are and fully let go of the ego/fear/familiar reality.
Based on your experiences you shared I feel this block is what you are moving through and releasing so you can move beyond the"old world".
There are a lot of activations happening in the higher planes. Your energy is focused in those realms right now - so we are being asked to open and clear the body and physical reality so you can pull in and work with these higher activations - gifts.
DNA is fully activated. 12 Rays are fully activated but they are asking to strengthen the frequencies there. The 12 D light body has begun to activate - I am not getting the message to work with the three fold heart alignment as of yet.
There is some questioning of what is real/illusion I think that is the primary block in the 10 level - doubting your true presence.
The High Heart Chakra is the gateway from the spiritual to the physical and visa versa. The distortion i n the Aqua Heart and eighth level of the field are showing up so we can clear them and you can embody as your Divine Self or God Self. If there is anger, resentment, grief, held in the heart - the Spirit Body cannot resonate with the physical reality and so they are linked but not integrated fully. This is one alignment we are being asked to do today.
The spinning Merkaba's - The MerkaNA is two spinning Merkaba's and the MerkaRA is three spinning MerkaBa's - I asked and they said you saw the MerkaRA which is the 24 point star of Kristos Ascension. Ascension Star.
Everything you are tapping into is what I have seen - I looked back after writing all of this. Confirmation of your clarity and ability to see your truth with wisdom. Amazing!
Metatron's Cube was a beautiful session - everything opened smoothly.
The Spirit Body or 4 Body purification was smooth - emotional body needed a little extra purification but charged easily once we cleared those blocks. Everything was integrated, aligned and synched and anchored into the 5D core smoothy.
Celestial Purification was really simple because most dissonance/blocks were dissolved and harmonized in the other two sessions - so we focused on the ketheric template and strengthening the golden threads throughout your system and pulling in diamond light to seal the work and attune you to the higher energies.
Circle of The 7 - Frequency and Antahkarana attunement with Sananda:
initially I tapped into an energy of fatigue and almost apathy - there is a need for you to play more - fairy energy came in immediately to lift your spirits. It worked. This is the integration from the higher realms and frequencies into the "mundane" earthly realm. Shift of perspective.
Sananda said - it can be the most wonderous experience! As we walked down to the beach where the circle of the seven flames exists you dove straight into the water. I do feel with this emotional clearing there is a need to work with salt water, as in baths or swimming to help clear any "old emotional energies". But in that space you were also playing - laughing - celebrating. It feels as though you have been liberated. I see confidence and joy for this life and the potentials. There is a quick shift here. Again - water. From this cleansed space you walked to the center of the circle of seven. Like a true magician you began working with the frequencies (all 12 rays) as if you were an expert - major confidence - You look like an artist contemplateing a painting except you are creating realities and experiences.
They are saying you don't need to strengthen this - just recognize that you already know how to work with frequency as an advanced spiritual being to create worlds. It's a matter of remembering. The concept of art and creativity are highlighted - but the creations are immense. Remember they are saying.
You said "I am grounded... Yes!" at the end.
During the Metatron's Cube Activation I also saw and felt very very strong angelic energies flowing through your field within the pillar.
FQ rose to about 5600 kHZ during the session - I would be surprised if it continues to rise a bit.
General Reading - "Welcome, Divine child to the mystery of transparency the freedom from definition. Step into your transparent self. Discover and celebrate the Divine Child - the adventurer, the actor who is free to explore or play any part at any moment without attachment. This is exactly the energy I tapped into during the Skywalking/Co7 session. This is about aligning yourself with the full spectrum of light and sound - working with the entire frequency range and the 12D light body to create the world/your world your reality and to embody this on Earth as a fully integrated 5D being.
MerkaRA -The key to the unfolding of this activation is in the 8th level of the field the Aqua Heart - It is the stargate - gateway to ascended mastery states. The key to this is in Unity it is in unconditional love - the heart in the space of unconditional love is the chalice for Indivisible Essence. This is the resonance of your true vibration.
Let go of the shadow, of the resistance, this release is all happening in divine timing, as it should, when it should. It is so. Allow yourself to feel and express emotions so they are fully processed if needed. Harmonize any dissonance from residual shadow energy.
As this harmonization happens you will step into your role as the Cosmic Captain and Gatekeeper as the integrated and whole self.
"I am a pillar of the invisible temple that brings heaven to Earth."
You are the angelic messenger - the skywalker. The time/space traveler. As you integrate this work you are asked to explore your growth edge - to draw the light of courage and compassion into yourself and radiate it to others. See life as this sacred journey.
Heaven is where you stand - you are the secret of the heart.
Your growth edge holds the greatest magic. Explore, expand, and remember your wings! A mysterious journey awaits you, when you have the courage to step into a new reality.
You are bringing and bridging heaven and earth as the Gatekeeper and the angelic messenger - the Skywalker. The angelic energies are birthing through you into the earth plane through Unconditional and Universal Love and through the Cosmic Heart. There is an integration of the Spirit Body into the physical vessel that will birth higher consciousness on the planet. This energy surrounds you, it is being ignited within. I see the activation of the Flower of Life into the True Nature of Reality completly void of the old paradigm - the Sword of Truth and the Blue Flame energies are guiding this path. I see the palm activations as well - this may all be linked to the full activation and integration of the 12 strand DNA I see the DNA linked to the activation in the palms. The heart energy is very strong here as the Gateway of the heart opens to full embodiment into the lower chakras and bodies.
Rose energy to help attune the physical vessel is encouraged as well - rose tea or rose incense, essence oils etc.
The hands were definitely being activated - and I am receiving confirmation that you are a channel for comsic and angelic energies - that you hold all of the answers within. Work to tune fully to the zero point field within Unconditional Love and the growth edge that you are being encouraged to step into or beyond will be shown to you.
Do you channel now? Because this has come up quite a few times now - I know the light language is something you have spoken about and has come up in readings. But channeling is strong right now as an angelic messenger and gatekeeper, realm bridger, cosmic captain. Guidance here is to trust and believe in yourself as well as utilizing your "Divine Authority" to create. Soul Craft. You create life! You are being asked to create soul truth in the world.
Beautiful Session and reading. Let me know how all of this resonates and if you have any questions - otherwise let's get on a call when you feel ready.
Session Result Example 02:
Powerful session! Extremely high frequency energy was coming through and we were only working with Divine Love, Divine Light and our Higher selves. There was no intervention or energy trying to pull at either one of us. Huge huge shifts!
Let me know how you are feeling, how this all resonates, and when you want to get on a call! I have the next hour, or tomorrow morning - even Friday would work if you want to wait to chat.
Session results below:
Celestial Purification:
Still holding on to some of the old root chakra energy. Working to clear that - it is affecting both the sacral and root.
9th level of the field is the silver scintillating light of galactic communication - this takes the place of the throat and the fifth level of the field - it is a higher level of alignment and comic consciousness. I heard "unfamiliar" when I was clearing - so there is some resonance and harmonization needed to fully begin integrating this level of awareness. It was fully harmonized with the Aqua heart and the Universal Gateway.
10th level of the field was just a bit congested - cleared and charged it.
11th clearing this activated an awareness of cosmic consciousness and embodiment. This is the level of Golden Light - The higher dimensional ketheric template but it saturates your field with a finer, higher vibrational mesh. As we connected to the Diamond Light of Source - this energy began trickling into your field and harmonizing with your higher levels within the field. I heard "surrender" and you relaxed into this space of complete relaxation and began to let the energy of Source and your field move you - you danced with this energy. I saw you float into the 5th density range on earth and it seemed really easy for you to ground there.
As you began grounding even into the 5D your throat and heart started closing. I began opening and clearing to see what was causing this and found a little black seed in the back of your throat. We gently pulled that out and there was a black thread moving down to your root. I think this was the residual energy from the persecution imprint. After we cleared that I called on the Aurora Collective to purify your energy and body with the Liquid White Light of the collective and they began to activate the process of the Aurora Re-Encryption which is an alignment and integration of the three fold aqua diamond heart and DNA activation.
Throat and Heart feel much clearer now.
I see you working with the land as a light being. Bringing this magical energy to the planet. Almost as if you can activate the Earth - raise the FQ of certain area's just through your presence. There is a gift in helping others to see and work with this level of magic and healing with the earth.
You can bring "things" to life. I saw everything you touch grow and blossom.
Time to embody this wisdom, let the darkness dissipate, you don't need it anymore.
I see you surrounded with flowers and light - working together - synergizing.
I had to go back and open root and sacral after pulling the seed out. Everything looks nice, open and balanced now.
Beautiful! I didn't want to leave. ;)
This is who you are. Remember.
FQ is at 2,500 kHZ
General Guidance:
The root issue and most of what you are currently working through has to do with past life remembrances and sensitivity to that. There will also be an expansion in this remembrance of your true nature and energetic sensitivities. Soul based information will be coming through to you - tap into this essence - and perceive the light that is there. It is the only thing that is real.
There is a strengthening and harmonization of this link with your fully embodied light and Soul Essence. Tune in to her fully as she will guide you moment by moment. Soul Name? Remembering or working with your Soul Name will help you ground fully and help to heal these residual ties to the old reality/concepts and beliefs.
There is a Soul collective trying to contact you about your ancestors and lineage. You need to create space to allow for these gifts, offerings, messages, and healings to work within your life. Your ultimate success through and into enlightenment and awakening is guarnteed. You are waking up to this new reality and it may feel confusing at times because of how new it is.You are adjusting and adapting - it's common to resist at this point - but from the perspective you have you can change any story that splits you in two and heal any wound. Don't replace negative memories with positive ones see all parts of a memory so that that a new conclusion can form. Balance your memories into integration.
Primary focus the next few weeks: Get rid of the black and white thinking and begin working with the full range of color - for manifestation - resonance - work with color and vibration to begin creating and co-creating.
Begin working with your beliefs and focus and dance with your desires and watch as you break down limiting beliefs and realize how easy it is to actually create and manifest.
Authenticity - Focus and find your authentic truth beyond mass consciousness. Learn what this feels like and do not judge there is no right or wrong. What is your truth and then harmonize any actions with that in the moment.
Session Result Example 03:
Lots of info! Please let me know how you are feeling. The session was very gentle, beautiful, powerful, but calm, beautiful energies. The inflow of information is intense so please take your time going through everything.
I am available for the next hour to chat or if you want some time to integrate we can get on a call tomorrow morning. Let me know what works best for you!
Session results below:
A few shifts since the analysis - I was shown one more block - a little movement in the blocks we saw in the analysis, you are actually beginning to integrate and heal these as they are moving closer to the body for awareness and transmutation. We will get all four cleared and defined so you know where they are coming from.
Metatron's Cube Activation - You opened up very easily - everything cleared and balanced nicely. We helped to pull in Source through the higher gateways and ground it. All energy centers were fully saturated with True Source, and this energy was grounded through this channel of light. The energy should have fully "found it's place" but for homework to confirm that you are acclimating well - work with the white fire meditation for about a week, as well as grounding.
White fire is invoked by AA Metatron and then just visualize this white fire coming up through the bottom of your field through all levels, dimensions, time and space throughout your field and out of the top of it. Do this for 5 or so minutes a day.
For grounding just spend some time out in nature connecting tot he Earth.
Celestial Purification -
We went back through some of the in body chakra's to open and balance them, there was some hands on healing needed there. Back side chakra's were a bit sticky - meaning we cleared them about three times. This is usually past life related - old energy that is just sitting there. Those all are open and expanded now!
Third level of the field - this is the mental field. Connected to thoughts, the mind. The block is almost in your body, it is covering the left side solar plexus and sacral area. The energy in this level is a grey gooey and flaky energy - a lot of old mental congestion and thought forms. We cleared it a few times and worked with a lemon yellow flame to help purify it. You felt liberated after we cleared it. The block was filled in with Angelic Sonics.
The creation root is from a lack of self trust - and trust in spirit. Overthinking because of not trusting. The remedy is to strengthen your connection to your Divine Self and to anchor in Source directly, to become a conduit for Divine Energy to flow. Learn to trust in your Divine Intelligence.
Fourth level of the field - the first block. This is the relational love level of the field. I am hearing idealization. The block is rainbow - the rest of the field looks a little dim. There is some rainbow energy cycling into the block. This isn't bad, what I am feeling is this deep desire for Divine Love, or Divine Union, so you are pulling in Divine Love into the 4th level of the field and it is getting stuck there because it is not a high enough frequency. It's almost a forced energy - relational love is just that. Divine Love exists in the higher levels. So what we need to do is to clear this and re-introduce you to pure Divine Love that already exists within your being (just a bit higher up).
This is being formed from a lack of self love, issues of primal trust and survival, feeling unsupported by divine nurturance, unworthy of receiving, and possibly abandonment. It as though you are trying to feed yourself from the higher realms but it's being birthed from fear. I hope that makes sense. The remedy here is to surrender and trust in the larger pattern. Be open to receive.
Affirmation: "I trust unconditionally the source of divine nurturance."
Fifth Level of the field - this is the level of the etheric blueprint. This is literally a blueprint of your physical body as well as life path. I see a tar like energy coming from this - this block is in your right foot (masculine) or action energy. You are stopping your movement forward somehow. This energy is thick dark sticky energy that is definitely blocking you from forward movement. This is old energy that you released from your body - but did not release it from your field. It's old, has been sitting there for a while. I saw it trying to crawl back up into your physical energy. Lesson here is to learn to release all energy into the earth for full transmutation. The rest of the field looks great though!
They brought in Diamond Light to help lift this level. Root cause is denial, fear of the unknown, addictions, strong feelings of despair - all stemming from a feeling of being separated from Source as well as self judgment. It is literally like a drudgery. The remedy is to step free from denying and judging your experience. Access your Essence Self to carry you through the intense feelings that accompany profound growth. Turn your transformation over to Spirit. Work to lift up to help yourself carry the weight of the world, this is what makes you stronger. Go to the higher!
Sixth level of the field - Divine Love.
Controlling the flow of divine love - I just heard that. Projecting idealized love into this field. I see yellows, bright colors, reds, pinks, they are all blotchy and feel misplaced. The block is the idealized version of love - this was the birthing place for the 4th level block. You are trying to control the flow or how Divine Love is presented in your life, when Divine Love is perfect. It's almost like you are projecting what you think it should be instead of understanding what it is - essentially what you are. The blotches are compartmentalization of love and what goes where. The field is beautifully balanced now it's natural unconditionally loving rose gold.
The root of this is about control and a misaligned ego/will vs divine/will. A need for approval and or recognition. The remedy is to develop a clear connection with divine will. Innocently allow magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Trust, open to heart knowing and limitless possibilities.
FQ has gone up quite a bit - 300 kHZ you may stabilize here - you may not. I'll keep an eye on it for you.
The Cosmic Heart has been opened and balanced - this ultimately represents your connection to your highest self or the Divine. Through the Flower of Life we stabilize all of your energies and integrate them into the Cosmic Heart to help with Divine connection.
Skywalking Ceremony - We greeted and you were looking around very open, curious, inquisitive You recognized the Tree of Life right away. I heard old stomping grounds. You climbed up the Tree of Life. Sat on the canopy and just gazed at the stars. I asked if you wanted to go anywhere and you said not today. This space feels like home to you. You stood on the canopy and stretched your arms, I feel a tremendous sense of liberation and expansion here. You can see with crystal clear vision, the past, present, the future. You can see 360 degrees. The air is crisp, representing your clarity. This is all I see - you are lifting off of the Tree of Life floating into another realm. - now you are swimming through a rose gold white realm. Learning to receive the love that you hold. This is a comfort for you, allowing yourself to rest and be loved. You are coming back to the realm of the Tree of Life as water pouring into the landscape, a waterfall. I just heard you are water. Be like water, go with the flow. This is your natural state. Open trusting, flowing. You come out of the water as light, you come up to me and say - that is all I needed. Thank you.
You are certainly adept at multi-dimensionality and shapeshifting.
General Reading:
You are stepping into a new phase of expansion and evolution - really beginning to remember quantum realities and how to work with the zero point field and multi-dimensionality. This has been a slow process for you as you have had to learn and or will need to make plans based on higher harmonics and Source energy. There is some conflicting energy here around the heart space and what is pure vs not pure Almost as though you have to fight for love. Your heart is pure and you create from a pure space, it is the trauma or wounding from the past that creates a defensiveness. Remembrance of your Spiritual gifts will begin to come online as you are a very old soul and you carry advanced keys and codes within you that will help to move the collective into the new reality. The heart space is the primary conflict here as you are being asked to release all self judgement to attune yourself to your true Soul Light to begin to see this divine perfection and to know that you are right now and always have been your wish fulfillment. Your ideals, and bliss, and dreams are all within you right now. You are definitely a shapeshifter and have advanced wisdom to share with the world - Cosmic Consciousness as well as elements of Ascension Mastery.
There is a need for completion in an area of your life. You are being asked to step through this gateway - but first you must finish the past - close out the old cycle. Be like water - again. As you complete the old, there is a natural flow toward the new. With fluidity move through the gateway that opens for you. Look at how you identify yourself with your belief systems, definitions, roles, ideals, and dreams. As you open to growth, set aside your usual framework and respond differently. Shift perspectives. You have specific gifts and talents to claim. There is a feast of gifts and tools for you to utilize to help you with your mission and path.
Homework -
White Fire Meditation
Primordial Mother Meditation
Work with violet flame regularly