OPL Ascension School
Master Your Energy
Embodiment. Rapid Ascension. Spiritual Mastery.
Welcome to OPL Ascension School
Welcome to a Journey of Transformation
At OPL Ascension School, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey that combines the power of Quantum Healing, meditation, advanced MerkaBA activations, multidimensional travel, and lessons on Cosmology and Ascension. Our mission is to guide you towards your highest potential, illuminating your path with wisdom, love, and the highest frequencies of light.
Our Philosophy
OPL Ascension School, under the guidance of One Precious Light, is dedicated to:
Ascension: Guiding you through rapid ascension with powerful and original OPL Quantum Healing activations, powerful meditations to help raise your frequency, and harmonize you with the highest version of self.
Healing: Offering tools for healing, we focus on clearing past traumas and aligning with your soul's light to foster a life of love, joy, and hope.
Embodiment: We focus on whole being Ascension not just the spiritual body. Raising the frequency of the physical body is key on the ascension path, we support the process of raising the frequency of the body and grounding into 5D-8D planetary cores.
Diamond Timeline Alignment: We aid and support individuals transformation into higher frequency reality structures and the highest timeline for humanity at this time - the Diamond Timeline.
Empowerment: Our programs are designed to empower you, instilling confidence and clarity in your life's direction, and your ability to walk the enlightened path with purity, joy, and bliss.
What We Offer
The Online OPL Ascension School:
A vibrant online school where you can dive into:
Spiritual courses tailored to enhance your understanding and practice of spiritual concepts.
Meditations and Soundscapes for attuning to higher vibrational states, aiding in manifestation, and connecting with nature's rhythm.
Healing Sessions that utilize energy dynamics to transmute dense energies into light, promoting balance and harmony.
Advanced Activations to help stabilize rapid ascension from 5th Density to 8th Density embodiment.
Community Support via The Light Worker Network for sharing experiences, insights, and growth with like-minded individuals.
Courses and Certifications:
Introductions to our unique offerings like the One Precious Light Healing Certification, where you can deepen your practice of energy healing. These courses are comprehensive, from Level One to Level Two, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Ascension Coaching - We highly recommend Ascension Coaching as an initial jump start to your personal Ascension Journey and harmonizes perfectly with OPL Ascension School
Experience personalized coaching sessions that have changed lives dramatically. Our approach is holistic, helping you navigate your personal evolution with care, expertise, and a balanced perspective. Clients testify to feeling grounded, centered, and profoundly connected to their path forward. 1:1 OPL Quantum Healing Sessions are set at a sliding scale for OPL Ascension School Members.
Why Choose Us?
Expert Guidance: Mariah (One Precious Light), Creator of OPL Quantum Healing and OPL Ascension School, embodies expertise, humility, and a no-nonsense approach to spiritual and personal development.
Community: Join a community that supports your journey through shared experiences, teachings, and collective healing.
Transformation: Our clients report profound changes, from enhanced intuition and manifestation abilities to a genuine connection with the natural world and a transformed nervous system for better life management.
"The magic of the coaching unfolded so beautifully and I’m left a different person, in a new reality, seeing the world with new eyes and a clear path forward."
“OPL Ascension School has been an epic means of support as well, with endless meditations, journeys, soundscapes, beautiful readings, masterful information and courses I would recommend to anyone and everyone on the spiritual path."
Join Us
Whether you're seeking personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, or professional development in energy healing, OPL Ascension School is here to support you. We offer:
Individual Sessions: Tailored coaching to meet your unique needs.
Online Courses: Accessible anytime, anywhere, to fit into your lifestyle.
Community: For collective learning and healing.
Begin Your Ascension
Step into a new, purer, and lighter frequency with us. If you've been on the fence about exploring your spiritual path or enhancing your personal development, now is the time to say YES! Discover how OPL Ascension School can attune you to your highest self.
Included in The OPL Ascension School Monthly or Yearly Enrollment:
We have over 300 video and audio files and over 500 pages of written material to explore, learn, grow, and heal in a way that suits your individual needs in your own time.
The cost analysis vs ROI is virtually priceless - when ONLY analyzing the monetary value (excluding the priceless healing and spiritual evolution) - you would have to be in the space for 7 years before paying the full market value of the included material, healing, techniques, and information.
Spiritual Alchemy: The Art and Science of Transformation full online course and written material.
Starcrafting: Self Mastery through Creativity and Exploring Higher States of Consciousness full online course and written material.
The Enzo Technique: Yogic Martial Arts and Embodiment Program full online course and written material.
Ascension Mastery Series: Tools and Techniques for the Evolution of The Soul
Full Pre-recorded One Precious Light Quantum Healing Sessions to take at your leisure
All Advanced Activations: Pending personal review - MerKaNA, MerKaRA, Diamond Star Light Body, Galactic Attunement and 5D Grid Activation.
Reiki Certification Course
Guided Meditation Video Series
Fifth Density Meditations to help with the transition into 5D-8D Reality/Life
The Full Light Album Soundscape Meditations with Guided Visualizations
Celestial Readings, Energy Updates, Collective and pick a card readings, Articles, Papers, and more…
The Golden Path - The Journey To Enlightenment
Golden Guided Meditations - Energy Mastery
Skywalking Journeys - Cosmic Explorer
Physical Spiritual Mastery Techniques - Strength and Discipline
Diamond Sun Soundscape Meditations
Celestial Healing Temples - The Heavenly Realms
Manifestation and Precipitation - Angelic Human
The Jedi Path - Introduction To Thought Forms and Advanced Abilities
Access to our spiritual community The Light Worker Network - full of truly awakened and aligned Divine Beings
Application Process:
Due to OPL Ascension Schools high frequency nature and the open format teaching style we require submission of a coherent and well thought out paper before approving enrollment. Include relevant information about your own journey and intention regarding admittance. Once submitted we will do an OPL Quantum Healing energy analysis for you to determine your readiness to pursue this path.
The results of the analysis do not define your admittance, but rather, it is a gauge as to whether or not you are equipped with the tools necessary to successfully navigate OPL Ascension School in a benevolent and effective manner.
After enrollment we will highly recommend you book Ascension Coaching with One Precious Light or one of our expert Level 2 OPL Quantum Healers. This coaching program will help get you set up with OPL Ascension Schools tools, and stabilise your energy and frequency into the 5D upgraded system and the Ascension Stargates. We will not force this contract, but it is strongly suggested.
This path, although highly simplified, can still be complex to navigate even for the advanced Souls on the planet, utilising the help of our OPL Quantum Healers and OPL Ascension School experts will help to refine, integrate, and stabilise the bio-field, mind, heart, and soul during the ascension cycle.
Enrollment is $222.00 per month or $2222.00 (2 months for free or $442 off) for a full year. Payment will not be required until you are approved for admission and you register.
Thank you!
More Information:
Online Academy and Retreat for Spiritual and Energetic Wellness
We are thrilled to share how beneficial the OPL Ascension School has proven for many of our clients. Providing access to high-level spiritual quantum healing and self-mastery tools has been invaluable. Clients engaging regularly with our programs have experienced significant growth, stability, and spiritual advancement.
OPL Ascension School - and options within it will add tremendously to your life. You can think of OPL Ascension School like Sonic Healing that helps with soul growth and energy mastery - the primary difference is that we work with higher spiritual energies that are not accessible through technology - only pure consciousness - and we help guide you into deeper levels self-mastery and Soul Evolution.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~Nikola Tesla
If everything is energy - why are we not taught how to understand, monitor, and work with our own energy early on in life? Shouldn’t understanding oneself be a key area of education?
We believe that an untapped and highly misunderstood area of self-mastery and self-development is in the understanding of our energetic nature - which is intelligent energy and/or advanced consciousness.
When our energy bodies are purified, we expand; our hearts open, our minds are liberated from the constraints of limiting beliefs, allowing us to awaken to our true potential. This process enables us to recognize our truth, light, and power.
OPL Ascension School is more than just an educational platform; it is an evolving, expanding community designed to help you explore your potential, clear your mind, body, heart, and soul, and align with your Soul Light. We are incredibly excited about building this community and are eager for you to be a part of this transformative journey.
The Light Album
The Light Album is a series of Soundscape Meditations to help attune your energy to the Higher Realms and Higher Timelines. Each one is intentional in purpose, frequency, and healing helping to balance, harmonize, aline, activate and inspire as we ground into the Ascended Earth Energies.
Spiritual Alchemy
The Art and Science of Transformation
In this 2.5-hour course, you will gain a birds-eye view of the spiritual process of transformation. Alchemy is the art of transmuting dense or heavy energy (pain, anxiety, fear) into lighter, brighter (love, joy, hope) energy. You will learn fundamentals of energy dynamics how this affects your personal energetic field, how thoughts and emotions affect your energy and your life. You will learn the phases that you may go through when releasing the past and moving into a new you! Detailed manifestation techniques are described with meditations you can apply in your daily life. This is a great course for energy healers, or those walking down the healing or spiritual path to help you merge the intuitive and feminine aspect of spirituality with the more logical and rational masculine aspect. It will give you insight into the inner workings of the Universe and tools to help you take charge of your life in profound and powerful ways. This course will help you to find your authentic path to enlightenment and will give you the wisdom to navigate the unseen realms in ways previously unknown.
Starcrafting Online
“Starcrafting is the embodiment of Cosmic Wisdom and Universal Love made manifest through focused conscious creativity. It is the contraction and expansion of the Soul as it traverses the infinity of All That Is. The practices introduced in this book are addressed to help you explore yourself as the Universe, and to see from new expanded, and infinite perspectives.
The technology of the mind has barely been tapped into or utilized within our culture today. Once we fully understand our own conscious minds and ability to create in the unlimited and vast capacity that we can, we will be forever and irreversibly enlightened!” ~Mariah Baretta
Within each of us resides an infinite expansive creative intelligence that allows us to connect to our authentic nature as well as our own Source of life and light. The creative process is one of expansive heart-based intelligence that exists outside of our conscious awareness. Through the process of writing, drawing, painting, dancing, and movement we can tap into hidden elements within our being and connect to them for healing, expansion, self-knowledge, and joy! This book is a deep dive into the creative process co-mingled with spiritual techniques for vibrational expansion. It is a journey into the depth of your being reaching in to find the Cosmos and the infinity of all existence, the truth of your Spirit and the sound of your Soul.
The Starcrafting Online series is a total of 17 episodes with over 30 hours of creative projects, meditations, healing practices, visualizations, manifestation techniques and more.
The Enzo Technique ™
The Enzo Technique ™ helps one to achieve spiritual actualization through, non-duality, and no-mind - fullness. The Enso Technique teaches the physical discipline and act of expressing the present now moment of the beauty of impermanence, and how to embody everything and nothing simultaneously.
This technique is based off of yoga and martial arts, frequency shifting, meditation techniques, visualization, mudra’s, mantra’s, and ultimately, self mastery. It is an embodiment program to help one achieve Soul Integration. For more details please see the trailer below.
The 10 principles of
The Enzo Technique™
To Transform the Self - The Mind - The Body - The Spirit
To act with and allow Flow and Universal Connection
To Implicate ones complete being with acceptance and humility
To establish Pure intention to invoke an active and lively call for Spirit to become available to our human consciousness
To Manifest Joy in the Art of Living
To Actualize Zen and/or Buddhic based lifestyles
To Self-Realize the True Nature of Reality
To embody Non-duality, No-mind-fullness, and non-creative-creativity
To understand Temporary and imperfect beauty
To actualize Everything and Nothing simultaneously
Full Pre-recorded One Precious Light Healing Sessions:
OPL Quantum Healing Technique was created by Mariah Baretta and can only be found within The Enzo Academy. This is a groundbreaking technique that utilizes sound, sacred geometry, crystal technology, and organic quantum technology. Through the space we offer advanced activations and guidance to help transition into the upgraded chakra system and full connection to The Ascended Earth through the Andromeda Galaxy.
All pre-recorded sessions use the exact same technique as One Precious Light one on one sessions void of the personal analysis and/or precision clearing. The activation, clearing, balancing, and purification is general and can help immensely in maintaining your energy and field. These video’s are very powerful and work with quantum reality, outside of time and space. Each session will affect you differently as each time you watch/relax to a video your energy will be seeking something new. You can participate in these sessions as much as you would like and details about how to utilize the video’s is included within.
These are the three sessions currently available:
Celestial Purification: 46 minute session
Metatron’s Cube Activation: 42 minute session
Flower of Life Stabilization Session: 31 minute session
DNA Repair Session: 27 minute session
Full Auric Field Purification: Through the 7 Levels
All Advanced Activations including MerKaNA, MerKaRA, Diamond Star Light Body, Galactic Healing, and 5D Grid Attunement.
These sessions will be changed and updated from time to time.
You can learn more about each of these sessions HERE.
Celestial Readings, Articles, Meditations, and more…
This is The Enzo Energy Training Community page where everything goes! Current energetics, ascension guidance, channeled messages, guided meditations, articles, papers, techniques and tactics, paths to the New Earth, information about the Golden Age, multi-dimensionality, martial arts guidance, kuji-kiri techniques, and more!
One Precious Light Healing Certification Course
Through The Enzo Academy you will be able to get your Level One and Level Two One Precious Light Healing Certification at a discounted rate. All of the written material is available through the VIP pages for free and percentage discounts are offered for the technical video’s and certification exam. For more information about this Certification you can visit HERE.
Natures computer - Crystals store quantum data and it will stay within the energetic structure of the crystal until it is cleared.
Crystal memory allows efficient storage of quantum information in light
Photons are key quantum objects that carry information over long distances and which can be entangled in large numbers. But Photons are fast moving, hyperactive, and travel at high speed, making them close to impossible to store stationary information. Science has shown that you can encode the quantum state of a photon into the quantum state of an atom, which can be held in place. Those systems tend to be a bit inconsistent in their ability to store and receive information. Crystals can store quantum memory and photonic information with high percentages of efficiency. Photonic light entering a crystal is slowed all the way to a stop, where it remains until it is let go again. When the information is released, ALL of the information is released. The information stored in the crystal is absorbed as a three-dimensional hologram, that is pristine and pure, recording the energy right down to the last photon.” ~ The Soul Physicians Guide to Quantum Light Healing by One Precious Light
Ascension Mastery Series
In this series I introduce my process of helping to awaken, purify, and expand the energetic field for Soul Expansion. We move through as much detail as we can to explore the different phases/challenges/opportunities within each shift into higher realities. This series is a documentation of my personal journey as well as patterns and responses I’ve seen from clients and collective energies. The intent for this series is to give you an in-depth but also higher perspective on the process of spiritual awakening and ascension so you are able to integrate and master your own evolutionary process.
Kuji-Kiri and Majutsu
Sacred Art of the Oriental Mag
Published by: F.Lepine Publishing www.Flepine.com Copyrights © 2008
Kuji-Kiri means “Nine symbolic cuts”. It is a technique that belongs to the esoteric Buddhist tradition. From the outside, it seems to consist in drawing nine lines in the form of a grid, then drawing a symbol on the grid. In fact, it is the setting in place of nine energy structures, that once activated, can empower a concept represented by the drawn symbol over the grid. This symbol then interacts with what seems to be reality, and modifies the structure of the universe according to the desired effects.
In other words, the nine lines that we draw in Kuji-Kiri, are nine energy concepts that we lay down on a surface or in the air. This grid is empowered when the person who draws the grid has activated the nine powers in his consciousness. At this point, the drawn grid becomes a representation of the matrix of the world, into which you can summon another conceptual energy.
A Kuji-Kiri user is sometimes called a majutsushi, which translates as magician or conjurer. 真 ma = pure; 術 jutsu = art;
Diamond Sun Frequencies
Intentionally Designed Soundscape Meditations
This is the full length album with 45-60 minute versions of each title to allow for deep exploration and meditation. The short version of this album is available on Spotify and iTunes.
The Golden Path
In The Golden Path we are working with higher frequencies and attuning to the energies of the Angelic Human and Golden Consciousness. Through this advanced section we will be introducing techniques to help you harmonize and integrate these higher frequencies into the physical vessel, cellular structure, and atomic structure to then begin to activate the Diamond Sun Body or as I have discussed before Solar Body.
The Diamond Sun Body or what I have referred to as the Solar Body refers to the potential DNA and higher consciousness experienced by angelic humans in earlier time cycles within the fifth density. The Diamond Sun Body is the Original Founder Christos design of a fully embodied 12 strand DNA. This allows for full access to Cosmic Energies and density ranges while in a human body. When this DNA potential is activated it allows for physical body immortality and full cellular transmutation.
Spirit Embodiment consists of the harmonization of every level of the auric field. The emotional (plasmic), mental (electric), physical, and spiritual (the top 3 levels of the field) are all harmonized and this Diamond Sun Body can become activated. We are working towards advanced organic alignment with this divine path and purpose in mind as well as advanced gifts of the fully evolved angelic human.
The techniques here can be used after you have grounded into the 5D Core and begun to work with the Upgraded Chakra System. Use your discernment and intuition with all of the Golden Path techniques.