The Enzo Academy


Master Your Energy

Leading Edge Ascension Academy For Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Mastery


The Enzo Academy is a hub for the original OPL Quantum Healing sessions, the spiritual and multidimensional teachings of One Precious Light, and the discipline and self mastery offered through the Martial Arts and Kuji Kiri teachings of Electric Tiger Arts. The space is organized in a way to allow for self navigation and self learning, while being intentional in the process of integration and understanding.

The space itself has information and lessons for the beginner to the advanced. Our philosophy and techniques help to ignite the process of intellectual understanding of subjects that are primarily intuitive and beyond the rational mind. Through the integration of rational thought and intuition we set the stage for a more applicable understanding of bio-energy and consciousness. We encourage members to intuitively utilize our guidance, healing, and information through the online space - and in a greater capacity apply the information directly to their own soul journey.

We teach self-mastery through understanding energy and the power of advanced consciousness through many different mediums - physical movement, creativity, writing, books, video’s, articles and more!

As a retreat and rejuvenation space we offer the original OPL Quantum Healing sessions (only available in The Enzo Academy), guided meditations, soundscape meditations, guided multidimensional travel and more!

We are here to support your journey into deeper understanding, alignment, and transition into the new energies more gracefully. We have access to advanced healing methods that allow one to heal and raise their frequency so that they can shift into the upgraded chakra system and begin harmonizing with the 5D energies, grid system, and core.

Join us as we pioneer new territory in the advancement of humanity.

About Our Name: ENZO

The Enso circle is a symbol for enlightenment - Enzo means master of the estate. Through self-mastery and soul integration our mission is to attune, align and guide you into true spiritual sovereignty and self-mastery.

Home of OPL Ascension School, Djedi Ascension Mastery School, and Electric Tiger Arts Dojo